
UNESCO Newsletter - April 2022: Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII)

Preparations for the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII, 15 to 17 June 2022, Marrakech, Morocco) are quickly moving forward. In this special newsletter, we explore the conference’s workshop themes and their organizers as well as some of the events happening alongside CONFINTEA VII, such as the youth, private sector and civil society forums, and much more.

How To Design Buildings For Social Connectedness ¦ NewCities

This month, we are excited to host an interactive session in partnership with Citi on building accessible and connected mobility systems at CoMotion Miami, continue the discussion on net-zero cities, and talk about how design can increase sociability.

PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (LCN) welcomes Villa Maria, Argentina

PASCAL Observatory is pleased to announce that the Latin American City of Villa Maria (Argentina) has become a member of the Learning Cities Networks (LCN) initiative.

First Meeting of Learning Cities of Argentina

Villa Maria hosted the First Meeting of Learning Cities of Argentina on March 10 and 11, 2022. Representatives from Argentinian cities members of the UNESCO GNLC Global Network Learning Cities participated in the meeting.  The cities were Villa María in Córdoba, La Matanza in Buenos Aires, and San Justo in Santa Fe.

Global Learning Festival returns in November 2022

The Global Learning Festival (GLF), returning in November 2022, seeks to provide unity & connection to communities all over the world. Throughout 2020 and 2021, the festival has welcomed learners from all over the world of all ages to participate in online events covering a myriad of topics.

ALCN Ripples Newsletter - March/April 2022

The ALCN Ripples Newsletter for March/April 2022 features information about  our Sharing Insights - Australian Learning Cities: global to local - local to global Webinar (May 4, 4 pm  AEST); Friday Forums, our AGM, a call out to help with the Global Learning Festival and more.

The Global Learning Festival (GLF) 2022 - An invitation to get involved

The Global Learning Festival (GLF), returning in November 2022, seeks to provide unity & connection to communities all over the world. Throughout 2020 and 2021, the festival has welcomed learners from all over the world of all ages to participate in online events covering a myriad of topics.

Brimbank Learning Futures

Brimbank is its own local government city adjacent to Melbourne, Australia, and created a lifelong learning strategy from which has grown their Learning Futures suite of programs targeting youth. 

Appeal to release Sergey Priyma

On 13 March 2022 [the] Russian military kidnapped the chairman of the Melitopol (Ukraine) district council Sergey Priyma. The democratically elected local politician was taken away in an unknown direction. Neither his family, nor colleagues and the community of Melitopol know where and in what condition he is.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 20 - Learning with and from refugees: adult education to strengthen inclusive societies

We are pleased to offer to subscribers the lstest PASCAL Briefing Paper published jointly with the Centre for Research & Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL),  Learning with and from refugees: adult education to strengthen inclusive societies, written by Dr Maria Grazia Imperiale and Professor Bonnie Slade.

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