Mike Osborne

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Professor Emeritus, formerly Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning
University of Glasgow

Michael Osborne is Professor Emeritus, and was formerly Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning at the University of Glasgow, and experienced in adult education, VET and Higher Education research, development and evaluation. He was Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning within the School of Education and was Co-director of the PASCAL Observatory on Place Management, Social Capital and Lifelong Learning until 2024.

  • Senior manager in research-intensive university with 27 years at professorial level and with departmental management experience during most of that period
  • Significant R&D leadership experience in the field of adult, vocational and higher education (VET) studies in policy and pedagogy, particular in relation to access, participation and retention issues, leading to international, national and regional policy papers and action plans.
  • Expert in curriculum design in theoretical and practical Teacher Training for Adult Education, LLL and VET provision and in HE, including in the field of assessment and grading. This included developing the world’s first online Masters in Lifelong Learning in 1999 and an MSc in Technology-enhanced Learning.
  • Co-director of the world’s first dedicated research centre in LLL, the Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning from 1999-2008.
  • Former Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning, University of Glasgow, 2008-2024
  • Member and Co-Investigator in ESRC-funded Urban Big Data Centre with a focus of use of big data in lifelong learning from 2014-2024
  • Co-I within the RCUK GCRF funded, Centre for Sustainable, Healthy Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods, andresponsibility for  capacity strengthening in the global south and for links with the University of Rwanda, 2017-2022
  • Wide knowledge of European Adult Education, VET, LLL and HE systems, and experience of collaborative working with academics from most EU countries in large-scale projects
Recent research/consultancy: 

His previous research has included: a Scottish Higher Education Funding Council/National Health Service (Scotland) funded projects concerned with selection of students in medicine and Veterinary Science (WHAP and WHAN); the development of audit tools for stakeholders within Learning Regions (Indicators project under the Network of Learning Regions (R3L) programme) and projects that develop related learning audits (Lilara), and a sustainable network of learning regions/cities (PENR3L); a major ESRC TLRP project on the Social and Organisation Mediation of University Learning (SOMUL). He has been involved in a range of EC-funded LLL projects concerned with the quality of Grundtwig networks (GINCO) and of Learning Regions (R3L+),  a KA4 project developing reservoir of best practice in Learning Regions (EUROlocal) and and a KA1 project concerned with tertiary lifelong learning in mid-life (THEMP). He also was a member of the team that completed a project for the EC on Innovation in HE and of the team that managed the Tempus Project on Lifelong Learning in Palestine. 

He was the Glasgow University co-ordinator of two projects on learning communities of practice (DISCUSS) and university adult learning (LETAE) for the EC.

He co-ordinated the PASCAL study of universities and regional engagement (PURE) in 17 regions around the world.

He was PI of the British Academy GCRF-funded project, Strengthening Urban Engagement of Universities in Asia and Africa with three Asian and three African partners.

He was a Co-I within the ESRC funded research centre on Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) within which he co-ordinated projects on education, place and disadvantage and on learning city metrics.

He was also Co-I within the RCUK GCRF funded, Centre for Sustainable, Healthy Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods, which had three African and four Asian partner countries and in this centre he had a responsibility for capacity strengthening in the global south and for links with the University of Rwanda. 

In 2008 he completed two reviews within pan-European projects funded by the EC of training of adult educators in both the UK and Ireland, and of vocational education and training practitioners in these countries. He advised the EC in relation to the development of the new integrated lifelong learning programme and is currently a senior evaluator for the interim review of the programme.

He has carried out a number of consultancies for agencies including the Council of Europe, Universities UK, the Higher Education Academy, and Learndirect Scotland . He has been an adviser and evaluator of programmes at a number of universities 

Recognitions, positions, memberships: 

He co- co-ordinates Research Group 4 and is Member of Advisory Council of the Asia-Europe Meeting Lifelong Learning Hub

He was a Member of Executive of the British Association of International and Comparative Education

He was a member of the Executive of Forum for Access and Continuing Education

He is editor of the Journal of Adult and Continuing Education and consulting editor for the Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education

He was formerly a Member of Advisory Board of Open University in Scotland

Selected publications: 

Osborne, M. and Sim, S. K. (2022) Lifelong learning in Asia: a brief tour. In: Evans, K., Lee, W. O., Markowitsch, J.and Zukas, M. (eds.) Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Series: Springer international handbooks of education. Springer: Cham

Osborne, M. (2022) Localizing SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2022 UN High Level Political Forum. In: Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments: Towards the Localization of the SDGs - Local and Regional Governments Breaking through for a Just and Sustainable Recovery. Series: Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2022 UN High Level Political Forum. United Cities and Local Governments: Barcelona, pp. 86-98.

Ahmad, S., Baffoe, G. , Bhandari, R. , Young, G. and Osborne, M. (2021) Sustainable, healthy, learning cities and neighbourhoods. In: Venter, M. and Hattingh, S. (eds.) Learning for a Better Future: Perspectives on Higher Education, Cities, Business and Civil SocietySeries: Centre for local economic development: topics in local development (vol.1). AOSIS: Cape Town, pp. 27-50

Osborne, M. and Hernandez, S. (2021). Sustainable Learning Cities: Inclusion, Equity and Lifelong Learning. In: Howells, A. and Valdés-Cotera, R. (eds.) Inclusive Lifelong Learning in Cities: Policies and Practices for Vulnerable Groups. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg, pp. 14-85.

Lido, C. , Mason, P. , Hong, J. , Gorash, N., Anejionu, O. C.D. and Osborne, M. (2020) Integrated multimedia city data: exploring learning engagement and greenspace in Glasgow. Built Environment, 46(4), pp. 574-598. 

Rowell, C. and Osborne, M. (2020) Beyond schooling: learning cities and adult education in the Global South. In: London, M. (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Second Edition. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 

Thakuriah, P. (V.), Sila-Nowicka, K. , Hong, J. , Boididou, C., Osborne, M. , Lido, C. and McHugh, A. (2020) Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): a composite survey and sensing approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427. 

and sustainable urban communities. International Review of Education, 59 (4). pp. 409-423.

Lido, C., Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2019) Lifewide learning in the city: novel big data approaches to exploring learning with large-scale surveys, GPS, and social media. Oxford Review of Education, 45(2), pp. 279-295.

Neary, J. and Osborne, M. (2018) University engagement in achieving sustainable development goals: a synthesis of case studies from the SUEUAA study. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 58(3),

Borkowska, K. and Osborne, M. (2018) Locating the fourth helix: rethinking the role of civil society in developing smart learning cities. International Review of Education, 64(3), pp. 355-372.

Osborne, M. and Borkowska, K. (2017) A European lens upon adult and lifelong learning in Asia. Asia Pacific Education Review, 18(2), pp. 269-280.

Lido, C., Osborne, M., Livingston, M., Thakuriah, P., and Sila-Nowicka, K. (2016) Older learning engagement in the modern city. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), pp. 490-508.
Osborne, M., Laitinen, I. and Stenvall, J. (2016) Complex regional innovation networks and HEI engagement the case of Chicago. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 7(2), pp. 184-201 

Osborne, M., Rimmer, R., and Houston, M. (2015) Adult access to higher education: an international overview. In: Looking Back, Moving Forward: 60 Years of UNESCO in Hamburg. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Hamburg, Germany.

Krüger, K., Duch, N., Parellada, M., Osborne, M., Mariani, M., and Jiménez, L. (2015) Social efficiency of tertiary lifelong – first insights from a European research project. In: Looking Back, Moving Forward: 60 Years of UNESCO in Hamburg. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Hamburg, Germany.

Benneworth, P., and Osborne, M. (2014) Knowledge, engagement and higher education in Europe. In: Escrigas , C., Granados, J., Hall, B.L. and Tandon, R. (eds.) Higher Education in the World 5 Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change. Series: GUNI Series on the Social Commitment of Universities. Palgrave Macmillan, London. pp. 204-217. 

Jordan, L., Longworth, N., and Osborne, M. (2014) The rise and fall and rise again of learning cities. In: Zarifis , G.K. and Gravani, M. (eds.) Challenging the ‘European Area of Lifelong Learning’: A Critical Response. pp. 273-284. Springer, Dordrecht.

Duke, C., Osborne, M. and Wilson, B. (2013) A New Imperative: Regions and Higher Education in Difficult Times. Manchester: Manchester University Press.  

Osborne, M. (2013) Challenges for adult access in Europe. In: Klinger, C. and Murray, N. (eds.) Aspirations, Access and Attainment: International Perspectives on Widening Participation. Routledge, London.

Osborne, M. (2013) ‘Access and retention’. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Osborne, M., Kearns, P., and Yang, J. (2013Learning cities: developing inclusive, prosperous and sustainable urban communities. International Review of Education, 59 (4). pp. 409-423.

Hamilton, R., Osborne, M., and Tibbitt, J. (2013) Profiling regional engagement and lifelong learning in higher education: closing the engagement gap. Bildung und Erziehung, 66 (4). pp. 437-452. 

Preece, J., Ntseane, P.G., Modise, O.M., and Osborne, M. (2012) Engagement in African Universities: Perspectives, Prospects and Challenges. Leicester: NIACE.

Osborne, M., and Houston, M. (2012) ‘United Kingdom – Universities and lifelong learning in the UK – adults as losers, but who are the winners?’ In: Slowey, M. and Schuetze, H. (eds.) Global Perspectives on HE and Lifelong Learners.  London: Routledge.

Houston, M., McCune, V. and Osborne, M. (2011) Flexible learning and its contribution to widening participation: a synthesis of research. York: HEA.

Osborne, M. (2011) Country Report on the Action Plan on Adult Learning: UK. Background report to ‘It’s always a good time to learn’. Final Conference on the EC’s Adult Learning Action Plan. Budapest, 7-9 March 2011. At http://adultlearning-budapest2011.teamwork.fr/en/background

Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M., et al. (2010). Improving what is learned at university: An exploration of the social and organisational diversity of university education. London: Routledge.

Buiskool, B. J., Broek, S. D., van Lakerveld, J. A., Zarifis, G. K., & Osborne, M. (2010). Key competences for adult learning professionals - Contribution to the development of a reference framework of key competences for adult learning professionals (Final Report to European Commission, DG EAC, Project number: B3542). Zoetermeer: Research voor Beleid.

Longworth, N., & Osborne, M. (Eds.). (2010). Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policies, Practice and Participation. Leicester: NIACE

Brennan, J., and Osborne, M. (2008) Higher education's many diversities: of students, institutions and experiences; and outcomes? Research Papers in Education 23 (2): 179-190.

McNair, S., Quintero-Re, L., Clarke, A., Eldred, J., Hallam, A., Lavender, P., O'Hagan, J., Pearce, R., Thomson, A., Tuckett, A., Watters, K., Osborne, M., Tibbit, J., and Tett, L. (2008) CONFINTEA VI: United Kingdom National Report: National Report on the Development and State of the Art Adult Learning and Education (ALE). Leicester: National Institute of Adult Continuing Eduation, Leicester.

Osborne, M. (2008) Widening participation to Higher Education in the UK. In: Hanft, A and Knust, M (eds.) Weiterbildung im Elfenbeinturm!? Waxmann, Muenster, pp. 39-42.

Morgan-Klein, B, and Osborne M. (2007) The Concepts and Practice of Lifelong Learning. London: Routledge

Osborne, M, Sankey, K and Wilson, B. (Eds) (2007) Social Capital, Lifelong Learning and the Management of Place: An international perspective. London: Routledge

Osborne, M, Houston, M and Toman, N. (Eds,) (2007) The Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning: Understanding effective teaching and learning in diverse contexts. London: Routledge

Sankey, K. and Osborne, M (2006) ‘Lifelong Learning reaching regions where other learning doesn’t reach’. In R. Edwards et al Researching Experiential and Community-based Learning. London: Routledge

Field, J and Osborne, M (2006) ‘Researching Social Capital in Europe – Towards a Toolkit for Measurement’. In C. Duke, L. Doyle and B. Wilson (eds) Making Knowledge Work. Leicester: NIACE.

Osborne, M and MacClaurin, I (2006) A Probability Matching Approach to FE/HE Transition Higher Education, 52(1), pp.149-183

Duke, C, Osborne, M. and Wilson, B. (Eds.) (2005) Rebalancing the Social and the Economic. Learning Partnership and Place. Leicester: NIACE

Osborne, M., Gallacher, J and Crossan, B. (Eds.) (2004) Researching Widening Access London: Routledge.

Pouget, M and Osborne, M (2004) Accreditation or validation of prior experiential learning: knowledge and saviors in France - a different perspective, Studies in Continuing Education 26(1), pp. 45-65

Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (Eds.) (2003) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. Leicester: NIACE

Osborne, M and Turner, E. (2002) Private Training Providers in Scotland Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 54(2), 267-293


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