Learning Cities 2030

What’s Bigger Than The Coming Age Wave? Then Why Are We Ignoring It?

Nov 27 2014 15:00
Boyd Orr Building, University of Glasgow
University Avenue
Glasgow G12 8QQ

Most industrial countries are rapidly aging; their populations are turning “up-side-down” - that is, they will have more people over 50 than under 20.  Also called a “silver tsunami” the changing demographics of the population in countries from the United States to the United Kingdom, Sweden to Spain will affect almost all aspects of society.

Transatlantic Sessions : Detroit, Tuesday, 11 November, 2014

Oct 28 2014 07:51
The Glasgow School of Art
167 Renfrew St
Glasgow G3 6RQ

Entitled, Detroit: The Report of my Death was an Exaggeration, Robin Boyle will give us an engaging view of 'requiem for Detroit' from the inside. Boyle is a Brit who spent a brave number of years at the University of Strathclyde before moving to Detroit in the 1990s to  work with Wayne State University  where he has spent 20 years engaging with the real and challenging issues of the 'Rust Belt' and the American Mid-west.

PASCAL Learning Cities Networks - Harnessing Cultural Policies in Building Sustainable Learning Cities - Rolling Workshops, 2015

Participants in the Harnessing Cultural Policies in Building Sustainable Learning Cities Network will collaborate in a rolling Workshop to be held at venues in four countries in the period February-May 2015. The venues will be in Östersund, Glasgow, Catania, and Pecs.<--break->

Invitation to CLC Lecture Series - Creating Healthy Cities through Active Mobility: Sharing Experiences from Cities

Nov 3 2014 15:00
MND Auditorium
9 Maxwell Road

Walking and cycling are becoming increasingly important in making our cities more liveable. The road to active mobility however presents several sets of challenges and require cities to find their balance to accommodate motorists. cyclists and pedestrians within limited road space. What are the success factors for leading cities like Copenhagen, and what are the current initiatives for other budding cities like Kuala Lumpur? How can Singapore learn from other cities' experiences?

Future of Cities - Latest Publication

The latest publication of the UK Government Office for Science's Foresight Group led by Sir Alan Wilson on the Future of Cities has just been published. The Business of Cities authored by Emily Moir and Greg Clark looks at the way in which the relationship between cities and business is evolving.

Contribute to the Resilient Cities 2015 congress program!

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the World Mayors Council on Climate Change, and the City of Bonn are pleased to announce the open call for contributions for Resilient Cities 2015 - the 6th Global Forum on Urban Resilience & Adaptation to climate change, to be held 8-10 June 2015 in Bonn, Germany.

Lifelong Education for Sustainable Development - Tuesday 28 October

Oct 14 2014 10:08
RMIT City Campus, Council Chamber
RMIT Building 1, level 2R, 124-126 La Trobe Street

For decades, international and national organisations have understood that lifelong learning is integral to enabling citizens to participate fully in civic and economic affairs. Yet there continues in all parts of the world to be little serious commitment to comprehensive policies for the implementation of lifelong learning. This is an important time to rethink how the policy agenda might be addressed as key international organisations debate the Sustainable Development Goals to replace the Millennium Development Goals which expire in 2015. 

The Concept of Satellite Museums in Regional Development

In the last decades of the 20th Century we saw a very interesting trend in the museum branch internationally.

Latest issue of Education Permanente in Switzerland on Learning Regions

We are pleased to announce the latest issue of Education Permanente published by the Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung (SVEB) in Zürich. The main topic of this issue of the magazine is learning regions / education landscape, and include an article by Pascal Director, Michael Osborne. The articles are written in French and German and we hope that you enjoy them.

This link will take you to the magazine and we also feature it below...

Future of Cities has published two new working papers

The UK government Office for Science project, Future of Cities has published two new working papers: Nick Dunn’s ‘A Visual History of the Future’and Ron Martin’s ‘The evolving economic performance of UK cities.

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