Learning Cities 2030

New Urban Governance: Urban complexity and institutional capacities of cities

New Urban Governance: Urban complexity and institutional capacities of cities’ is a new two-year LSE Cities research project co-funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to examine multiple aspects of municipal planning, management, and governance.

Making a Commonwealth Games Legacy Meaningful - a new International Legacy Network is launched

PASCAL, with links to Melbourne and Brisbane, Montreal and Vancouver, Barcelona, Helsinki, Glasgow and Manchester - all cities on 3 continents which have hosted or will host the Commonwealth Games or other mega-events such as the Olympics - can expect to play a role in developing the International Legacy Network, described in the attached documentation, and in building a tool kit to use the lessons of experience and facilitate knowledge exchange.

University-Regional Partnerships: Case Studies. Mobilising Universities for Smart Specialisation

The attached booklet provides a variety of case studies of university-regional partnerships across Europe. All of them have been provided by members of the S3 Platform established by DG Regional Policy and managed by the Joint Research Centre in Seville. 

Learning Cities 2020

This article provides a brief overview of historic work in the field of Learning City development. It then proceeds to highlight two contemporary strands of work. The first is the initiative of UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in establishing the International Platform of Learning Cities. The second is the work of the PASCAL Observatory, currently manifested in the Learning Cities 2020 programme.

The Learning Region Initiative – a Challenging Concept for Higher Education to Promote Regional Development

The aim of this paper is to give a thourough insight to the evolution of the learning city-region initiative and connect it to the changing roles of higher education institutions within a frame of third missions of universities so as to promote regional development.

Learning regions for local innovation

This paper looks at the role that educational bodies can play in promoting social and economic innovation at a local or regional level. A locality or region promoting innovation can be called a ‘learning region’. The paper demonstrates how learning in a ‘learning region’ differs from traditional formal and individualistic learning.

Linking vocational education and training within the region: Evaluation of VET innovation networks as a means to develop coalitions for regional development

In this article some key elements of regional learning networks are discussed. Based on this, a development agenda for a learning region is outlined. Some insights into the initial development of networks via dialogue setting under regional actors are provided.

The Learning Region; A Critical Interpretation

The ‘learning region’ discourse emerged from the debates of the neoliberal views of socio-economic and cultural change. These views stressed the overall trends of globalisation which had to transform the traditional economic, social and cultural institutions. In opposition of these views, the ‘learning region’ discourse pointed out the importance of locality.

Invitation to CLC Lecture Series - Creating Sustainable Cities

The recently released Monocle's 2014 Quality of Life Survey saw several cities rise and fall in ranks as they measure up to be the World's 25 most liveable cities. what are the issues that are key for the quality of life in cities? What does a city need to mobilise a society's efforts towards sustainability?

Hungarian Educational Research Journal - thematic issue on learning regions

I am pleased to inform you that the Hungarian Educational Research Journal Vol 4, No 3, the thematic issue on learning regions, now is available at this link.

This issue contains a number of articles which should be of interest to PASCAL subcribers, including papers by Balazs Nemeth, member of the PASCAL Advisory Council and Mike Osborne, Director of PASCAL in Europe.

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