DVV International
DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), German Adult Education Association. DVV is a German national professional association in the field of adult and lifelong learning. Set up in 1953, DVV represents the interests of the approximately 900 adult education centres (Volkshochschulen, VHS) and their 16 States’ (Länder) associations, the largest further education providers in Germany.
As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult education and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself to supporting adult education and lifelong learning for 50 years. DVV International provides worldwide support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for Youth and Adult Education. With the current annual budget of over 20 Mio EUR DVV International we follow three-level approach and implement our projects on micro, meso and macro levels.
We are a professional partner in dialogue with the local people. To achieve this, we cooperate with more than 200 civil society, government and academic partners in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Our country and regional offices build local and regional cooperation and ensure the quality and effectiveness of our action in our partner countries. Our work on the micro level focuses on literacy and basic education, vocational training, global and intercultural learning, environmental education and sustainable development, migration and integration, refugee work, health education, conflict prevention and democracy education.
DVV International finances its work through funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Foreign Office, the European Union, as well as other donors. In concert with national, regional and global adult education associations, DVV International promotes lobby work and advocacy for the human right to education and for lifelong learning. To achieve this, we orient ourselves on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global education agenda Education 2030 and the UNESCO World Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA). DVV International supports the European and global exchange of information and expertise through conferences, seminars and publications.
Our Vision
We fight poverty through education and support development. As a globally acting professional organisation for adult education, we build a sustainable system for further education along with citizens, educational organisations and governments. Together with the people in our partner countries, we establish places for lifelong learning.
Background information on DVV International’s work with learning cities
In the recent years DVV International activated its collaboration with various cities and stakeholders in Eastern Europe to support them in transforming their cities in learning cities. Currently in Belarus and Ukraine DVV International is implementing capacity building programmes to enable responsible staff of stakeholders from the interested partner cities to draft action plans promoting learning for all in their cities. Besides, providers of youth and adult education are supported to develop new needs based curricula and programmes (mainly for vulnerable target groups) to pilot them.
Some Cities from the Eastern Europe were supported also in joining to the GNLC of UNESCO (UIL). Study trips to Germany and South Korea were organised. National conferences and various workshops conducted.
There are plans to expand collaboration with cities to the Republic of Moldova and then to other partner countries of Eastern and South-eastern Europe (Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo). Discussions on similar activities for partner countries in the Middle East and South-eastern Asia regions are ongoing.