University of Duhok

Primary Contact: 
Kamal Ketuly
Secondary Contact: 
Sherwan Rahman Shal
City of Duhok
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University of Duhok
Duhok, Iraq

The University of Duhok (UoD) is a fast-growing institution in the Duhok. it is situated on the international highway between Iraq and Turkey. It plays a vital role in developing the community by instigating socioeconomic, cultural, scientific as well as educational progress in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Graduates from the University of Duhok currently contribute to the enhancement and capacity building in the public and private sectors in the Duhok. 

The University of Duhok was founded on 31st of October 1992, following a resolution by the Parliament of the Kurdistan Region to address the increasing demand for higher education in the region. The first colleges to be established in the university were the College of Medicine and the College of Agriculture.  Initially, the Medical College had 48 students while the College of Agriculture had 166.  During the first two years, the two embargos imposed by the UN on Iraq and by the Iraqi Central Government on Kurdistan contributed to the slow paced growth of the University and the poor economic conditions in Kurdistan.  After these hardships had passed, the university found itself in a position to steer towards advancement and fresh growth. It expanded to establish 14 colleges, each with specialized departments. 

After applying a reform in the Kurdistan Region in 2010, the structure of the UoD has changed to a Faculty System. Today, the UoD has 17 colleges with 75 Departments, 17520 undergraduate students, 1420 academic staff and 1959 administration staff. The UoD provides facilities such as laboratories, libraries, computing services, sports facilities, housing accommodations and extra-curricular activities to all registered students in order to inspire ambition and excellence in a nurturing learning environment.

The UoD has thus a mission to supply an educated populace to the public and private sectors while conducting value added research. The university depends principally on assistance provided by the government while remaining firm about maintaining an independent status. The University of Duhok is a member of International Association of Universities (IAU), European Association for International Education (EAIE), and Association of Arab Universities (AARU).

The vision of the University of Duhok is to be a university of the twenty-first century, committed to research and teaching. At the university, our foremost concern is equipping students with necessary knowledge and skills through our academic departments and dedicated academic members. At the University of Duhok, we provide our staff and students with all the necessary facilities: laboratories, computing services, sports facilities, and many extracurricular activities. The university nurtures and encourages ambition and excellence through a supportive, learning environment.

The University of Duhok has established a comprehensive plan for developing English language skills through intensive courses, which are taught by native speakers. In addition, the University of Duhok has developed new, advanced courses in teaching and research methods for the teaching process at the university. These courses are coordinated by the Training and Development Center at the University.

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