Persistent inequality in education and skills causes widespread concern, not least because it is seen to contribute to rising income inequality and also to declines in social mobility in some countries. Yet, as the proliferating evidence from international skills surveys shows, countries vary considerably in degrees of skills inequality both amongst young people and adults.
Yudowitz Seminar Room, Wolfson Medical School Building
University of Glasgow
Please join us on Tuesday, 5th May at 5:15pm for a seminar and reception with Prof. Robert J. Stimson, Senior Academic Advisor (and former Director) of the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN), a pioneering figure in the urban research field who has played a leading role in major developments in urban research infrastructure in Australia.
The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA)
Noul sediu–SNSPA–Bd. Expoziţiei, nr. 30 A
Nextwork is a 2-day meeting aimed at furnishing methodology and skills to be successful in the complex world of education and research, skills development and European project management.
The 6th Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation – Resilient Cities 2015 co-organized by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the World Mayors Council on Climate Change and the City of Bonn, Germany, is taking place on 8-10 June 2015 in Bonn, Germany.
You are cordially invited to attended the Scottish Cities Knowledge Centre’s Ideas Forum: ‘Infrastructure Needs of the Knowledge Economy', to be held in Glasgow's Lighthouse on Friday, 24th April 2015.
Interested in exploring the potential for research partnerships between museums and higher education institutions? Museums Galleries Scotland, in collaboration with Perth and Kinross Council, is organising this event which will:
RMIT, City campus, Pavilion 1, level 10, RMIT Design Hub
Corner Victoria and Swanston Streets
The EU Centre at RMIT in conjunction with the EU Centre on Shared Complex Challenges at the University of Melbourne, will host a seminar at RMIT on Wednesday, 18 March from 12-2pm, at which HE Andris Teikmanis, Ambassador of Latvia to Australia and New Zealand will be speaking on the topic of ‘European Challenges; the Baltic Outlook’.
What prospects are there for independence movements in a global era? Three previous Monash roundtables have analysed the causes of and prospects for separatist movements in Scotland, Catalunya and Ukraine.
The 12th Cork International Lifelong Learning Festival will take place from March 23 to 28 this year. As always it will feature a full range of learning activities for people of all ages, all interests and all needs. The week is Cork's main lifelong learning event and is aimed at vastly increasing the numbers of people committed to learning at whatever level.