Network Blogs

Here are the latest Learning Cities Networks Blog postings (to see specific Network Blogs, please click on the relevant name from the list of NETWORKS in the left hand column):


Drucker on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Network: Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures

The management guru Peter Drucker in his book on Innovation and Entrepreneurship has some interesting things to say about building an entrepreneurial society that are relevant to the thinking of this Network. To quote Drucker:

Comments from Learning Limerick for the 'Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives’ Learning Network

Network: Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives

Attached a short discussion piece for the ‘Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives’ Learning Network – compiled by Yvonne Lane, Lifelong Learning Facilitator, Limerick Learning Region with input from the Learning Limerick Steering Group; particularly from the County Limerick representatives on that group.

Making a Commonwealth Games Legacy Meaningful - a new International Legacy Network is launched

Network: Harnessing Cultural Policies in Building Sustainable Learning Cities

PASCAL, with links to Melbourne and Brisbane, Montreal and Vancouver, Barcelona, Helsinki, Glasgow and Manchester - all cities on 3 continents which have hosted or will host the Commonwealth Games or other mega-events such as the Olympics - can expect to play a role in developing the International Legacy Network, described in the attached documentation, and in building a tool kit to use the lessons of experience and facilitate knowledge exchange.

Report for Delegates of the Entrepreneurial Learning City Regions Symposium, Swansea 2014

Network: Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures

On May 21st 2014 Swansea University hosted a Symposium entitled Entrepreneurial Learning City Regions. It was attended by forty-five invited delegates drawn from the Swansea Learning City initiative and from a number of countries engaged in developing entrepreneurial learning city regions.

Declaration of Taipei as a Learning City

Network: Implementing an EcCoWell Approach for Holistic Development

We firmly believe that helping city citizens to pursue lifelong learning ensures a sustainable development of Taipei city. Therefore, learning must be regarded as a continuing, lifelong process for improving the knowledge and skills needed in the city life as well as for fostering the self realization of the city dwellers.  We pledge to make redoubled efforts to promote the following urban development visions:

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