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EcCoWell 2 - Briefing Paper 5 - Harnessing environment policy & practice for a sustainable future - Bernadette Connolly

This Briefing Paper, the fifth in the EcCoWell 2 Series is written by Bernadette Connolly from the Cork Environmental Forum. It concerns Environment Policy & Practice in Cork, covering the following main issues:

Rethinking Sustainable Learning Communities for Extraordinary Times | An EcCoWell 2 Community Recovery Program

Today PASCAL inaugurates a new programme directed at the recovery of communities from the coronavirus epidemic.  The term “community” has been used a lot in the media in reference to the social context in which people are at higher risk of getting infected. We are interested in “community” as the social context in which people cope with the pandemic in ways that make the places where they live stronger and more resilient.

Faith / Spirituality-based Learning Cities Development Network Highlights for 2016 - 2018

The Faith / Spirituality-based Learning City Development Network has been growing since our beginnings in 2016. After the PASCAL International Observatory Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Rob Mark (PASCAL LCN Director), Dr. Connie Watson (LearnLong Institute of Education and Learning Research), and Dr. Maria Liu Wong (LearnLong / City Seminary of New York) convened the first meeting for interested parties in July 2016 at City Seminary of New York (New York City).

Exploring the intersection of faith, spirituality, and learning cities - New York, 29 July 2016

On July 29, 2016, Drs. Maria Liu Wong and Connie Watson (LearnLong Institute for Education and Learning Research) hosted a gathering of local scholars and practitioners from diverse faith traditions and cultural backgrounds (eg. Hindu monk interested in mindfulness and AI, Colombian Catholic missionary in the Bronx, Indian Pentecostal pastor / scholar, African-American neighborhood chaplain from Harlem, Japanese/Filipino-American Vineyard church planter, Jewish-American psychology professor and adult learning scholar from Philadelphia, etc.) at City Seminary of New York, with special guest Dr. Rob Mark (Director, PASCAL Learning Cities Networks).

Sustainable rural learning ecologies in Africa colloquium

Dipane Hlalele has sent the report below on the annual Sustainable Rural Learning Ecologies Colloquium held on 29-31 October 2014 at the Qwaqwa campus of the University of the Free State. This is the third time the colloquium has been held at the Qwaqwa campus.

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