Network Blogs

Here are the latest Learning Cities Networks Blog postings (to see specific Network Blogs, please click on the relevant name from the list of NETWORKS in the left hand column):


Wider Benefits of Seniors' Learning

Network: Addressing Disadvantage to Build Inclusive Learning Cities

A PASCAL Associate, Denise Reghenzani-Kearns, has written on the "Wider Benefits of Seniors' Learning" to address some of the policy and practice issues in implementing an age-friendly society that is inclusive in valuing and understanding the need to continue learning in later life. 

Quality of Life in Adult Learning

Network: Addressing Disadvantage to Build Inclusive Learning Cities

The Adult Higher Education Alliance (AHEA), USA, announces its annual conference for 8-9 March 2018, Orlando, Florida with the theme: "Quality of Life in Adult Learning".  The purpose of this Alliance is to help institutions of higher education develop and sustain learning environments and programs suitable for adults. 

An insight into the extensive work of a community-driven initiative

Network: Faith and Spirituality-based Learning City Development

Our meeting with Meiling and Haniff of the Multi-faith Multicultural Centre, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia provided an insight into the extensive work of this community-driven initiative linked to the Pure Land Learning College Association Inc., and

A Learning City Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Network: Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures

Entrepreneurship is a subject of growing importance in learning city development. This was included as a new dimension for learning cities in the UNESCO Cork Call for Action on Learning Cities, and the PASCAL EcCoWell 2. The  paper below by Judith James - A Learning City Entrepreneurship Ecosystem - covers business development and university aspects of this subject.

Learning Cities and Transformative Learning - LCN Seminar, 7 November 2018 in New York

Network: Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives

We are pleased to announce that the faith-based learning group within PASCAL’s Learning Cities Network will be running a Seminar in New York in collaboration with the City Seminary of New York on 7 November 2018, Learning Cities and Transformative Learning

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