Network Blogs

Here are the latest Learning Cities Networks Blog postings (to see specific Network Blogs, please click on the relevant name from the list of NETWORKS in the left hand column):


PASCAL Briefing Paper 28 - Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures

Network: Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures

We are pleased to make available the last PASCAL Observatory Briefing Paper from the Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures, Learning Cities Network (LCN). It has been written by Shilpi Roy, University of Khulna and Michael Osborne, University of Glasgow.

Sustainable Communities for Learning City Transformation & Inclusion - Webinar 4 July 0830-0930 BST 1530-1630 Asia/Taipei

Network: Implementing an EcCoWell Approach for Holistic Development

Join us online for this hybrid panel discussion on climate change - its impact on growth, human rights, inequality and ecology, and the transformations that come with mitigation and abatement.

The Learning Festival: Driving Local Action on Sustainable Development Goals for Long Term Impact Building - 18 July 2022, 1900 AEST

Network: Learning Cities: Meeting Today’s Challenges for a Better Future

You are warmly invited to join a panel of speakers from Cork and Limerick (Republic of Ireland), Wyndham (Australia) and Durban (South Africa) – members of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities and the PASCAL International Observatory’s Learning Cities Networks – as they share over 28 years collective experiences of hosting Learning Festivals.

Local Adult Education Policy II (LEAPII) - Green Skills and Learning Cities

Network: Implementing an EcCoWell Approach for Holistic Development

PASCAL subscribers may be interested in the LEAPS II project funded by the European Commission. Sustainable lifestyles, adapting to climate change, caring for the environment, means that citizens need to have the right skills and need to apply them in everyday life. The LEAP II project addresses these needs – creates learning opportunities that develop these(green) skills, hence the people are better equipped to fight the climate change.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 26 - Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives

Network: Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives

We are pleased to make available PASCAL Briefing Paper 26, which concerns the work of the PASCAL Learning Cities Network (LCN), Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives.

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