Pat Davies
User Profile
- Senior Research Fellow in the School of Education, University of Sheffield
- Executive Secretary, EUCEN (European University Continuing Education Network)
- University lifelong learning, continuing education, social dimension
- European Union/Commission policy on adult education and lifelong learning
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Europe
- Learning and social innovation
- Evaluation and comparative research
- PPMI (Lithuania) Expert in evaluation of Europass and ECVET for the European Commission
- Various consultancies to help groups of universities prepare and/or launch European projects
- Evaluator of final round of Grundtvig projects for European Commission
- Contributor to ERASMUS MUNDUS course on University Management, Danube University Krems, Austria
- Moderator at conference on MOOCs at University of Geneva
- Expert member of Swiss national accreditation team for continuing education masters programmes
Previous experience: Director of Research on University Lifelong Learning in various UK universities; Executive Secretary and Projects Director for EUCEN (European association of ULLL); visiting lecturer/research associate at universities in Ireland, Switzerland, Austria.
- BHum (Education and Social Administration) – 1st class honours, University of London
- MSc (Social Research) – University of Surrey
- PhD (Adult and Continuing Education) – City University, London
- Editorial Board of ‘Formation Emploi’ (French refereed journal published by CEREQ)
de Viron, F and Davies, P. (2015) From University Lifelong Learning to Lifelong Learning Universities – developing and implementing effective strategy. In J. Yang, C. Schneller, and S. Roche (eds) The role of Higher Education in Promoting Lifelong Learning. UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning (UIL), UIL Publication Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies: No. 3monograph. Hamburg, DE: UIL
Davies, P, Németh, B and Pausits, A. (2010) Development and Management of University Lifelong Learning. In J. Huisman and A. Pausits (eds) Higher Education Management and Development. Compendium for Managers. (pp147-158). Munster, DE: Waxmann Verlag GmbH.
Davies, P. (2009) The recognition of prior learning in European universities: an overview and comparison. In J.-M. Barbier, E. Bourgeois, G. Chapelle et J. C. Ruano-Borbalan (Eds) Encyclopédie de la formation. Paris, FR: PUF
Davies, P. (2009) From University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) to Lifelong Learning Universities (LLLU). Progress on Flexibility in the Bologna Reform. Final reports from the BeFlex Plus project supported by the European Commission
Executive summary, Technical Report and Thematic report and recommendations:
Davies, P. (2007) Recognising and valuing non-formal and informal learning in Europe: policy, practice and the social construction of qualifications. In M. Chaponnière et al (eds) Bildung und Beschäftigung in der Diskussion Band 2 (pp.451-464) Zurich: Verlag Rüegge
Davies, P. (2006) Role and Significance of National and European Networks. In E. Cendron, D. Marth, H. Vogt (eds) Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung im Hochschulraum Europa (pp7-13). Proceedings of the annual conference of the Austrian National Network for University Continuing Education (AUCEN) and the German Network for University Continuing and Distance Education (DGWF), 14-16 September 2005, University of Vienna. Hamburg: DGWF e.V
Davies, P. (2006). Norms and Regulations for the Recognition of Non-Formal and Informal Learning in European Universities: an Overview. In C. Corradi, N. Evans, A. Valk. (eds.) Recognising Experiential Learning: Practices in European Universities (pp. 179-195) Tartu, Estonia: Tartu University Press.
Davies, P. (2006) University Continuing Education – mapping research in the field. Unpublished paper presented at seminar on Research and University Continuing Education, University of Helsinki, FI
Davies, P. (2005) European policy and university continuing education: impact and change? In W. Jütte and K. Weber (Hrsg) Kontexte wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung – Entstehung und Dynamic von Weiterbildung im universtären Raum (pp 234-249) Munster: Waxman Verlag GmbH. ISBN: 3-8309-1407-0
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