Ken Gibb
User Profile
Ken Gibb is a housing economist at the University of Glasgow who has recently taken up the role of Director of the University's new initiative, Policy Scotland. In addition, he is one of the Directors of What Works Scotland and convenor (with Josef Konvitz) of the International Legacy Network, which is holding its inaugural conference in the Mitchell Library from October 14-16 2015.
Housing economics, housing finance and public policy
Ken has recently (in the last 3 years) worked for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Homes for Scotland, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the Scottish Government, the Scottish Parliament, the Chartered Institute of Housing, and the Glasgow Housing Association.
Ken is a former president of the European Real Estate Society and of the ISA RC 43 (research committee on housing). He was formerly a managing editor of Urban Studies. He is a non executive director of Sanctuary housing association. Ken was recently advisor to the Scottish Parliament's infrastructure and capital investment committee.
Clark, W, Clapham, D and Gibb, K (editors) (2012) Handbook of Housing Studies. Sage: London.
Gibb, K (2012) ‘Behavioural economics and housing’ in Smith S, Elsinga, M, Fox O’Mahony, L, Eng, S O, Wachter, S (editors), Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home. Elsevier Science: Oxford.
Gibb, K (2012) ‘Economics of Social Housing’ in Smith S, Elsinga, M, fox O’Mahony, L, Eng, O.S., and Wachter, S (editors) Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home. Elsevier Science: Oxford.
Gibb, K (2014) 'The multiple policy failures of the UK bedroom tax" International Journal of Housing Policy, is available at:
Gibb, K and McNulty, D (2014) Risk, Resilience and Effectiveness in the Non-Profit Sector: The Case of Housing Associations’, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Vol. 1 (4) pp., 349-64.
Gibb, K, McNulty, D and McLaughlin, T (2015) Reform, Risk, Resilience: Social Housing in Scotland. Policy Scotland and Wheatley Group: Glasgow
Gibb, K, O’Sullivan, A and Young, G (2012) ‘Analysing the Belfast Housing Market: Learning Lessons from Extreme Volatility’, Town Planning Review, Vol. 83 (4) pp.407-30.
Gibb, K and Stephens, M (2012) ‘Should Housing Benefit be devolved to Scotland? Fraser of Allander Economic Commentary, Vol. 35 (3), pp.67-71.
Marsh, A and Gibb, K (editors) (2011) Reader in Housing Economics (5 Volumes), Sage: London.
O’Sullivan, A and Gibb, K (2012) ‘Housing Taxation and the Economic Benefits of Home Ownership’, Housing Studies, Vol.27 (2), pp. 267-79.
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