Place Management

Place identity and social change | Reflections on a seasonal visit to the Scottish Highlands

I have recently returned from an enjoyable, if rather windswept seasonal break on the coast of the north west Highlands in Scotland. The place we were staying was in a small crofting community at the end of a twisting and hilly single rack road, some 10 miles or so from the nearest village with some shops and public services such as a school, health services, a community centre (and a golf course by the beach).

PASCAL Europe Webinar: Peacebuilding? Interdisciplinary Dialogue for Conflict-Affected Regions 1

Nov 26 2024 11:00
Nov 26 2024 13:00
University of Glasgow School of Education
11 Eldon St
United Kingdom  United Kingdom
Catherine Lido
Kamal Ketuly
Maria Grazia Im...
Roger Paxton
Antonio Kalentzis
Yulia Nesterova

Please join the us for an urgently-needed interdisciplinary dialogue on successful approaches (if any) to embedding Peacebuiling globally. Social Science, particularly the fields of Psychology, Sociology and Politics, have long been interesting in inter-group conflict and conflict resolution, in various geographic, religious, and historical contexts.

PASCAL Europe Webinar: Peacebuilding? An Interdisciplinary Dialogue for Conflict-Affected Regions 2

Nov 27 2024 11:00
Nov 27 2024 13:00
University of Glasgow School of Education
11 Eldon St
United Kingdom  United Kingdom
Catherine Lido
Roger Paxton
Esa Aldegheri
Selin Tukin Guven
Ievgeniia Drago...
Chris Cocking
Antonio Kalentzis

This webinar is a continuation of Peacebuilding? An Interdisciplinary Dialogue for Conflict-Affected Regions 1 on 26 November. Details of registration are found at this link.


Following the highly successful 18th PASCAL Observatory in tandem with the 5th International Conference in Urban and Regional Planning hosted by the University of the Philippines Diliman, School of Urban and Regional Planning, the delegates of the conference call on PASCAL Asia to take seven actions as follows:

Australian Learning Community Network - Ripples Newsletter for October 2024

The ALCN Ripples Newsletter for October 2024 welcomes two new members from rural and regional Tasmania – the Study Hub, West Coast and the Study Centre Circular Head. We report on applying the ‘learning neighbourhood’ concept to Wyndham’s Learning Festival and highlight how ALCN members have contributed to international dialogue on sustainable learning cities and regions.

Universities going to Town | JOHN TIBBITT from Policies for Places

I have written about the importance of learning for places before here and about encouraging accessibility to learning from a more visible presence of learning and skills agencies in city streets here. This piece is focused particularly on the role of universities and other higher education institutions (HEIs) in supporting their local economies through taking a presence in often struggling high streets in towns and cities.

Rhetoric vs. Reality: The Political Manipulation of Immigration Issues | The Urban Lens Newsletter

Throughout history, waves of immigrants have arrived on American shores, drawn by the promise of opportunity and freedom. This steady influx has profoundly shaped the United States, transforming it from a primarily agrarian, rural nation into today’s diverse and economically vibrant country. The influence of immigration is evident primarily in the nation's bustling, innovative urban areas, driven by the availability of jobs, existing immigrant communities, and access to essential resources and services.

Community Placemaking in a Box! | Placemaking Round-Up

This round-up from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.

Shared spaces and the 'war on the motorist' | Issues around 're-sharing' the street

It is ironic that despite allocating emergency funding during the pandemic for widening pavements, providing additional cycle lanes, and making available modest resources for improved public transport and cycling infrastructure, the delivery of net-zero policies in towns and cities has emerged as a strong dividing line between political parties in the current general election in the UK.

Mitigating climate impact with your community | Placemaking Round-Up

This round-up from the Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces to ideas and issues, news, quotes, places, and events from the placemaking movement.

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