
Terry Jagger

United Kingdom

I am British, resident in the UK, and am a Director of a management consultancy providing assistance to all business sectors.

My specialist areas of expertise include Business Management and Development and the Built and Natural Environment  

tracy rogers

United States

Tracy Rogers is a 2015-2016 Kettering Research Exchange Fellow for the Centre for P-20 Engagement which is a Division of Outreach, Engagement, and Regional Development with Northern Illinois University.

Liza Ireland

  • I am Canadian, residing in Canada but have lived and worked in Scotland, Bhutan as well as Canada.  My areas of expertise are education for sustainable development, worldviews, ecological systems metaphors and environmental communication.  I am interested in contributing to PASCAL through work on projects, contributing to hot topics, book chapters and presentations.

Liza Ireland

  • I am Canadian, residing in Canada but have lived and worked in Scotland, Bhutan as well as Canada.  My areas of expertise are education for sustainable development, worldviews, ecological systems metaphors and environmental communication.  I am interested in contributing to PASCAL through work on projects, contributing to hot topics, book chapters and presentations.

Darlene Clover


I am a Canadian citizen, living in Canada (although currently on sabbatical in London). I am currently an Associate Professor in Leadership Studies at the University of Victoria. My areas of research are adult education and community development, museums, libraries and galleries as key learning/education sites, community cultural leadership, and women and leadership.  I would work on research projects, make presentations and contribute book and/or journal chapters.

Paul Benneworth

British Citizen, resident in Netherlands, working as Senior Researcher

Area of expertise: Third mission of universities – how universities contribute to societal goals, and the idea of the societal compact of universities’ duties arising from their societal privileges (high-leve) – community engagement, knowledge exchange, knowledge transfer, technology transfer (low level)

Contributions to PASCAL: developed tool for PURE Benchmarking project on Benchmarking Universities’ Regional Contributions.

Roy Leitch

I am a British National living in Scotland, working as a private consultant.

Wolfgang Juette


Tony Townsend


Professor Tony Townsend has worked all over the world, in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North and Latin America and the Pacific. He has visited 65 countries in all with diversity ranging from Belarus to the Czech Republic, Macau, Mongolia, Oman and the Cook Islands. He has been a professor at Monash University in Australia, Florida Atlantic University in the USA and the University of Glasgow in the UK and has been a visiting professor in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Vanessa Little

  • General Manager, Hume Global Learning Village 
  • Senior Policy Adviser, Government of South Australia

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