LCN Network

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Wyndham

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns:

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Limerick

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns:

Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures

Entrepreneurial Learning CitiesKEY AIM: The purpose of the PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (LCN) 'Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures' is to create and support a network of cities and city-regions with a focus on developing a secure economy whilst working towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This unique network of cities and regions nationally and internationally will exchange knowledge and experience to improve the economy sits alongside the three other PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (Culture, Faith, and Remote Communities), and works closely with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.

EcCoWell 2 - Briefing Paper 5 - Harnessing environment policy & practice for a sustainable future - Bernadette Connolly

This Briefing Paper, the fifth in the EcCoWell 2 Series is written by Bernadette Connolly from the Cork Environmental Forum. It concerns Environment Policy & Practice in Cork, covering the following main issues:

Rethinking Sustainable Learning Communities for Extraordinary Times | An EcCoWell 2 Community Recovery Program

Today PASCAL inaugurates a new programme directed at the recovery of communities from the coronavirus epidemic.  The term “community” has been used a lot in the media in reference to the social context in which people are at higher risk of getting infected. We are interested in “community” as the social context in which people cope with the pandemic in ways that make the places where they live stronger and more resilient.

Faith and Spirituality-based Learning City Development

Faith-based Learning City DevelopmentKEY AIM: Faith and spirituality-based learning city development for a more aware and resilient world in fostering global consciousness and citizenship identifies the many issues that impact on our spirituality, empathy, meaning, values and life experience. We can bring together individuals and groups in respect, care, compassion and positive action for others, the planet and a higher order.

Learning Cities: Meeting Today’s Challenges for a Better Future

Learning Cities: Meeting Today’s Challenges for a Better FutureKEY AIM: Learning cities are confronted and challenged by a number of critical issues that are global in their scale, impact and significance, and which threaten the aspiration for a peaceful, harmonious, and sustainable civilisation on planet earth. This network will look at ways learning cities can respond to critical global issues and build global consciousness and citizenship for a tolerant, multicultural and sustainable world.

Exploring the intersection of faith, spirituality, and learning cities - New York, 29 July 2016

On July 29, 2016, Drs. Maria Liu Wong and Connie Watson (LearnLong Institute for Education and Learning Research) hosted a gathering of local scholars and practitioners from diverse faith traditions and cultural backgrounds (eg. Hindu monk interested in mindfulness and AI, Colombian Catholic missionary in the Bronx, Indian Pentecostal pastor / scholar, African-American neighborhood chaplain from Harlem, Japanese/Filipino-American Vineyard church planter, Jewish-American psychology professor and adult learning scholar from Philadelphia, etc.) at City Seminary of New York, with special guest Dr. Rob Mark (Director, PASCAL Learning Cities Networks).

Wyndham as a Learning Community

Dr Shanti Wong, Learning Community Consultant, reflects on the City of Wyndham and its first Learning Community Strategy (2014-2017). I wrote previously about the City of Melton, the City of Hume and the City of Brimbank and how the idea of fostering learning as a driver for change is spreading throughout Western Metropolitan Melbourne.

Making a Commonwealth Games Legacy Meaningful - a new International Legacy Network is launched

PASCAL, with links to Melbourne and Brisbane, Montreal and Vancouver, Barcelona, Helsinki, Glasgow and Manchester - all cities on 3 continents which have hosted or will host the Commonwealth Games or other mega-events such as the Olympics - can expect to play a role in developing the International Legacy Network, described in the attached documentation, and in building a tool kit to use the lessons of experience and facilitate knowledge exchange.

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