
PIMA Bulletin 21

The PIMA Bulletin Number 21 for December 2018 can now be read in full below.

Towards good active ageing for all in a context of deep demographic change and dislocation - Peter Kearns

A growing number of countries are confronted by the challenge of demographic change and ageing populations.  These changes are most advanced in East Asia in Japan, Republic of Korea, China and Taiwan, so that the opportunities exist for other countries to learn from these experiences and responses.

The role of universities in developing skills for Smart Cities in Kyrgyzstan

As part of the work of a project entitled, The role of universities in developing skills for Smart Cities, funded by the Scottish Funding Council from its contribution to the University of Glasgow’s efforts to develop activities concerned with the Global Challenges Research Fund, a team of staff from the University of Glasgow recently presented at a Roundtable hosted by the International University of Kyrgyzstan (IUK) in Bishkek in conjunction with Glasgow’s Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL).

Universities to develop new model for service learning in European Cities

A new 3 year European Union funded project known as ENGAGE has commenced involving partners from 6 countries. The project, which will involve 6 universities and a host of community partners, will reach out to local communities though engaging with local community associations and NGO’s. The project will provide active learning opportunities for students in each country based on real-world situations.

Deadline extension: Special Issue on "Smart Learning Ecosystems - technologies, places, and human-centered design" - IxD&A Journal

Learning ecosystems are getting smarter and play a central role in regional development and social innovation. “Smart,” thus, are not simply technology-enhanced learning ecosystems but, rather, learning ecosystems that promote the multidimensional well-being of all players of learning processes (i.e., students, professors, administrative personnel and technicians, territorial stakeholders, and, for the schools, parents) and that contribute to the increase of the social capital of a “region,” also thanks to the mediation of the technologies.

Showcasing the Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) - Glasgow, UK

On the occasion of the Showcasing Event for the Urban Big Data Centre held on Wednesday 28 November, we were very pleased to be able to provide to an audience of over 100 so many examples of the work that has been undertaken during the last 5 years.

Eighth Big Tent Global Communique on HE and the UN SDGs - Global Networks of Higher Education Institutions call for Action on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The Talloires Network, the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) and the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education on November 15, 2018 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the occasion of the Conference of the International Association for Universities (IAU) has taken the lead in publishing the Eighth Big Tent Global Communique. On the occasion the topic is the UN SDGs and the role of HEIs.

Remembering Professor Peter Jarvis

Everyone in the lifelong learning community is greatly saddened at the news of the death of Peter Jarvis who passed away last Tuesday, 20th November.

Support placemaking this #GivingTuesday!

The Project for Public Spaces connects people who share a passion for public spaces. Here is a special appeal:

PASCAL Network Conference - Global Learning Cities: Empowering citizens and transforming communities

On Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 over fifty people gathered at Teacher’s College, Columbia University and City Seminary New York to discuss the links between learning cities and transformation. More than 50 people from all around the world - including USA, Canada , Australia, Thailand, Japan, France, Italy, Denmark, Ireland and the UK - gathered together to share their research, practice, and perspectives on “empowering citizens and transforming communities.”

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