Globalization, and the trans-nationalization of education policy-making which accompany it, have many implications for policy studies in adult and lifelong learning. As globalization deepens, so does its impact on national policies and on how educational research is done.
A 2nd International Seminar of the Lifelong Learning World Committee will be held on 21 June 2011 from 0900 to 1700 at CNAM - Amphithéâtre Abbé Grégoire, 292, rue Saint-Martin 75003 Paris. The theme concerns 'International networks of education and training: risks and opportunities'.
On March 31, 2011, The Chicago Council released a report, “A Master Plan for Higher Education in the Midwest: A Roadmap to the Future of the Nation’s Heartland” the third report in the Council’s Heartland Papers series (see below). The report is authored by James J.
Last week from 7-9 March 2011, the final conference on the Action Plan on Adult Learning, organised by the European Commission and the Hungarian Presidency was held in Budapest. During this conference, Research voor Beleid presented findings of a joint research project on ongoing reforms. This study included expert contributions from PASCAL Board member Professor Balazs Nemeth, associate Kate Sankey and PASCAL Co-Director Mike Osborne.
Northern Illinois University Professor Curtis Wood offers a perspective on an issue that has been controversial in the United States since the end of the Revolutionary War. Prof. Wood makes an important contribution to the dialogue concerning centralization vs. decentralization in government (see "Do Home Rule Governments Work Better?" below).
Le Comité Mondial pour les Apprentissages (CMA) a conduit une réflexion sur ces concepts en s’appuyant sur un partenariat français certes mais surtout international, enrichi d'auditions publiques d'experts mondiaux. La collaboration engagée avec l’UNESCO dès le départ et l'élargissement du réseau de nos délégués internationaux engagent le CMA à poursuivre une politique de programmation de séminaires internationaux des apprentissages tout au long de la vie avec le soutien du CNAM.
The National Cluster Conference in Karlstad is arranged by Region Värmland, Region Dalarna, Region Gävleborg and The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA. The conference gathers politicians and officials, innovation agencies, cluster leaders and representatives from universities and colleges for a dialogue about how to jointly contribute to developing regions.
Our partners in the Big Tent, PRIA (Participatory Research in Asia) together with the University of Victoria are organising a Field School in India in August 2011 that may be of interest to colleagues.