Final Programme - 5th International Conference in Urban and Regional Planning and 18th PASCAL International Conference - Sustainable Development Futures: From Knowledge to Practiceread...
Australian Learning Community Network - Ripples Newsletter for October 2024read...
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Knowledge Democracy in Higher Education - a five part learning programmeread...
5th International Conference in Urban and Regional Planning (ICURP) and the 18th PASCAL conference, Sustainable Development Futures: From Knowledge to Practice - Book of Abstractsread...
PASCAL Europe Webinar: Peacebuilding? Interdisciplinary Dialogue for Conflict-Affected Regions 1read...
Final Programme - 5th International Conference in Urban and Regional Planning and 18th PASCAL International Conference - Sustainable Development Futures: From Knowledge to Practiceread...
You are invited to a PASCAL Learning Cities Networks Inclusion Workshop, "Seniors as Lifelong Learners: barriers, strategies, outcomes", at RMIT on 30 November, 2015. The venue is Seminar Rooms 1 & 2, Storey Hall, RMIT City Campus, Building 16, Level 7, 336-348 Swanston Street, Melbourne.
RMIT, City Campis, Council Chamber Building 1, Level 2
124-126 La Trobe Street
Crises have occurred regularly in the history of European political integration. The crisis that the European Union (EU) has been traversing since 2010 is, however, its deepest, most intractable and most protracted. The uniquely high level and scope of political integration that has developed in Europe over the last 60 years is primarily attributable to the strong support that successive German governments have given to his process. Whether, how and to what extent the EU survives the current crisis is therefore likely to depend heavily on the orientation of German European policy.
With a capital expenditure of £800m over 10 years, the Smart Campus project is the largest project in the University of Glasgow’s history and a major investment in national educational infrastructure. This will be the centre piece of the latest PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (LCN) Social Inclusion Workshop to be held in Glasgow on 18 September and hosted by the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL).
The Creative City is an academic research project which aims to closely examine two creative cities – Glasgow, Scotland and Portland, Oregon – both famed for their creative industries and identities.
Interested in exploring the potential for research partnerships between museums and higher education institutions? Museums Galleries Scotland, in collaboration with Perth and Kinross Council, is organising this event which will:
As a fast-growing city, Copenhagen faces the challenge of having to think ahead and smart while respecting and retaining the essence of the old city. How does Copenhagen deal with constantly changing values and leisure requirements coupled with shrinking available urban spaces?
Starting from the observation that there is no longer a unifying “idea of the university” and that this might constitute a problem, in this presentation Professor Kehm will first present the idea of (European) university development as a sequence of generations.
A 2nd International Seminar of the Lifelong Learning World Committee will be held on 21 June 2011 from 0900 to 1700 at CNAM - Amphithéâtre Abbé Grégoire, 292, rue Saint-Martin 75003 Paris. The theme concerns 'International networks of education and training: risks and opportunities'.
Le Comité Mondial pour les Apprentissages (CMA) a conduit une réflexion sur ces concepts en s’appuyant sur un partenariat français certes mais surtout international, enrichi d'auditions publiques d'experts mondiaux. La collaboration engagée avec l’UNESCO dès le départ et l'élargissement du réseau de nos délégués internationaux engagent le CMA à poursuivre une politique de programmation de séminaires internationaux des apprentissages tout au long de la vie avec le soutien du CNAM.