Invitation – Digital learning for marginalized groups – 30 April

Apr 30 2019 16:00
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Feldbrunnenstr. 58
20148 Hamburg
Germany  Germany

Digital learning media open up new and different opportunities for learning and teaching. It is important that these opportunities are open to those who do not enjoy privileged access to education, including refugees and migrants and people with low levels of basic education.

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) will host an event on ‘Digital learning for marginalized groups’, on 30 April 2019, which will explore these key themes.

Ms Celia Sokolowsky, project leader at the German Adult Education Association (Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verbund or DVV), will give a presentation on what makes for good digital learning and the frameworks that influence its success, using examples from the VHS Learning Portal, the e-learning offer for German adult education centres (Volkshochschulen).

The VHS Learning Portal, operated by DVV, is the only online space available in Germany that combines both German as a second language and literacy and basic education as part of an offer which includes both individual learning and course instruction.

Ms Sokolowsky’s presentation will be followed by individual discussions.


‘Digital learning for marginalized groups’

When? Tuesday, 30 April 2019, 16.00 to 18.00

Where? UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Feldbrunnenstr. 58, 20148 Hamburg

Language: German

We would appreciate pre-registration (email for the event.

We look forward to welcoming you to our premises, the Ballin-Villa (Feldbrunnenstraße 58, Hamburg), and would appreciate pre-registration (email for the event.


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