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PASCAL - Twitter thought leader for the global placemaking movement

PASCAL's social media profile continues to rise! It was particularly pleasing to have been added to the list maintained by the high-profile New York based Project for Public Places of over 100 people and organisations who they regard as being leaders in the placemaking movement.  PASCAL has now been 'listed'  over 180 times by organisations and individuals on Twitter as an organisation whose tweets on topics of interest they wish to follow.

PASCAL now has over 2100 followers spread across 71 countries worldwide. We continue to steadily increase that number. For example, in the last week we have attracted 25 new followers, who between them represent the diverse range of people and organisations who find PASCAL relevant to their interests.  Last week's new followers include a US-based education think tank, a journal on urban issues, a group promoting open data science, business people promoting start-ups and innovation, others with an interest in social enterprises and others again focussed on social media and data.

We have now posted approaching 10,000 tweets focussed on the PASCAL themes of learning and place, adult and lifelong learning, innovation in cities and public services, and learning in communities. The intention is to facilitate  links between research and policy and policy-makers, and developments more generally in the knowledge economy.

For those readers with a Twitter account, please follow PASCAL on @obspascal, and of course, re-tweet anything you find of interest. You will find much from PASCAL if you follow #learningcities or #lifelonglearning.  For reports and papers from the recent PASCAL conference in Catania follow #pascal2015, and for information about the next conference on learning cities in Glasgow next June, #pascal2016 is the hashtag to follow.

For those not on Twitter, PASCAL tweets are featured on the 'PASCAL NOW!' page of the website. 

Any feedback would of course be welcome.


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