Donetsk State University of Management

Primary Contact: 
Ievgeniia Drago...
Secondary Contact: 
Irina Noha
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Donetsk State University of Management
Mariupol, Ukraine

Donetsk State University of Management (DSUM) is a state-run higher education establishment founded in 1992 and accredited by the IV, the highest level of national accreditation. Its mission is defined as training the high-qualified specialists in the field of Economics, Banking and Finance, Public Administration, Sociology, Law, who will be capable to meet the demands of national and international labor markets. Currently, the University enrolls 1,500 students at 19 Bachelor and 24 Master programs. There are also PhD and Dr. Hab. Studies in Public Administration, Economics and Management.

Two hundred fifty high qualified scholars and practitioners provide the training.

In November 2014 due to the military conflict in the east of Ukraine, University had to leave Donetsk, and since then it has been functioning in the city Mariupol. Despite all the difficulties and hardships the leadership and academic staff managed to restore and maintain the education process and to do the utmost for sustaining the quality assurance in teaching, learning and research.

The university cooperates fruitfully with the universities in Germany, France, UK, Italy, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Romania, Estonia, Poland in the framework of the signed agreements and joint international projects. During the last decade, DSUM has been implemented sixteen projects under Visegrad Fund, TEMPUS, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+KA1, KA2, Erasmus+Jean Monnet, DAAD, USAID and other granted funds and programs.

The University is a member of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, Ukrainian Association of European Studies.

DSUM has initiated cooperation with local industry like Mariupol Metallurgical Plant, Mariupol Sea Port, Accord Tour, local NGOs, and small business in order to prepare the graduates possessing the employability skills. The representatives of these enterprises are engaged in training activities of the business incubators as well as on provision the places for DSUM students’ internships.

Within its third mission the university seeks to generate knowledge outside the academic environment to benefit to the social, cultural and economic development of the region, for example providing education services to the local community at the Center of Third Age Education for people 55+, and training for public servants at the Center for Leadership.

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