Open Call for Applications: Are cities hubs for living history? - 19th ASEF Summer University in Pune, India, 9-21 August 2015

Explore the synergies between sustainable urbanisation and heritage preservation and join us for a dynamic 2-week programme of dialogue-sessions with leading experts, hands-on workshops and a hack-a-thon. Grab your chance to be part of a team of students and young professionals from 51 ASEM member countries and co-create digital and physical prototypes, business plans and social impact models in close collaboration with the local community. 

Open Call for Application: 19th ASEF Summer University in Pune, India, 9-21 August 2015

What:  19th ASEF Summer University (#ASEFSU)

Where: Pune, India

When: 9-21 August 2015


Apply here by Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The organisers will grant a financial subsidy that covers transportation. In addition, accommodation and meals will be provided throughout the project period. 

Open Call for Application: 19th ASEF Summer University in Pune, India, 9-21 August 2015

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