LCN News

News about or related to Learning Cities Networks:


What's a City to Do? (About Global Warming) | The Urban Lens Newsletter

Until recently, international and national agencies have played the most visible roles in dealing with global warming.  International and national agencies funded decades of scientific research that transformed our understanding of Earth’s climate systems. The United Nations-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is now the most authoritative source of scientific consensus about global warming.  The IPCC’s most recent Synthesis Report (AR6), released just last month, begins with the following statement:

NEP-SOC 2023-04-10, nine papers

In this issue we feature 9 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

Benchmarking 15-minute cities | Policies for Places

As we saw in my previous post the 15-minute city concept has become the basis for city planning in many cities around the world. It offers a vision of urban living based on compact and complete neighborhoods which are vibrant, convenient, connected and equitable.

Improving Local Governance to Combat Global Warming | The Urban Lens Newsletter

Local governments and officials can play essential roles in shaping urban environments in ways that are conducive to collective action that slows the rate of global warming.  Or, if their local governance mechanisms are not designed and implemented thoughtfully and effectively, they can also contribute to a range of problems and obstacles to such action.

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