Learning Cities 2030

Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives – Meeting Notes, 24 March 2022

The second meeting of the Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives LCN was a presentation by Professor Barry Golding AM, entitled Learning from Men’s Sheds: Reflecting on the movement’s Australian origins, global trajectories & its radical implications for learning in the community.

Last chance speaker call out! CYW Conference 2022

The Changing Your World Conference has gone fully online… and across three days.

As a result we’re reopening our call-out for speakers far and wide. We had our program pretty much full as a one day in person event – but now that we’re online across 3 days, we have more scope for concurrent sessions, and more space for speakers, who can come from anywhere across Australia – or even the world!

New Briefing Paper - Connecting People and Planet for a Sustainable Future

We are pleased to make available to PASCAL subscribers a further paper in the EcCoWell series by Peter Kearns, entitled, Connecting People and Planet for a Sustainable Future.

This paper examines how PASCAL EcCoWell 3 could be further developed as a path to a sustainable future in a turbulent period of disruptive change. The paper draws on the 2021 UNESCO Reimagining the Future Together report in its assessment of the critical situation confronting humanity and the planet requiring transformation of the world towards “a more just, equity, and sustainable future”.

Less than 10 days to go to submit your proposal ¦ PASCAL Conference 2022 - Tampere - 20-22 June

We remind you that there is a call for papers with a deadline of 17 March, 2022. So if you have not yet submitted your proposal, we encourage you to do so and we look forward to meeting you, either in Tampere, or virtually.

Invitation - North American Alliance of Learning Cities (NAALC) meeting on March 31

You are warmly welcomed to the next meeting of the North American Alliance of Learning Cities on March 31.  Featured presenters are Arne Carlsen, Director Emeritus of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, and Denis Barrett, Co-ordinator, Cork Learning City and the Irish Network of Learning Cities.

The final report on the 2021 Global Learning Festival is now available

Another successful Global Learning Festival (GLF) has wrapped up for 2021. With over 95 live and recorded events delivered from across Australia, the USA, the U.K, Israel, Northern Ireland, Taiwan, Canada, Bangladesh, Kenya, Benin, Colombia, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, and Turkey, the 2021 GLF truly represented global learning.

The European Museum Academy Reports on The Museum Temperature by the end of 2020

How are museums doing in Europe? The European Museum Academy Reports on The Museum Temperature by the end of 2020. The European Museum Academy is proud to present for the third year in a row the following more subjective inside views about how museums are doing and what the museums experience as their current challenges, be it political, financial, organisational or something else.

Museums as Agents in the New Age of Volunteering

The drive for volunteering has many roots in and impacts on societal development. It has been acknowledged as a variety of outcomes from volunteering. When the European Union by decision in 2009 made 2011 the European Year of Volunteering the objectives were set high:

Spirituality At Work – The Next Frontier of Workplace Wellbeing?

Depending on where you are in the world as you read this, the invitation to consider spirituality in the workplace may seem either foolhardy or prosaic.  Some readers may already enjoy places of prayer and meditation in their place of work while for others the topic may seem fraught with human and indeed potentially legal problems.

PASCAL participation in the Membership Jury for the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC)

Following the Introductory Meeting of the Membership Jury for the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, we are pleased to announce that PASCAL Board member and convenor of PASCAL’s, Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives, Learning City Network, Dr Leone Wheeler has been elected as chairperson of the jury.

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