Peter Kearns's blog

Benefits of New York High Line

In the PIE stimulus paper I wrote in 2012 on New York as a city of Neighbourhoods I mentioned the High Line as an example of an innovative urban park in which a obsolete aerial railway formerly used to convey industrial goods had been converted to a public park as a result of community action.

Hume Global Learning Village scores again

The Hume Global Learnng Village has added to the recent achievements of its library system by being the first library service in Australia to achieve e-smart status. The e-smart program has been sponsored by the Telstra Foundation and Alannah and Madeline Foundation to promote the use of technology in a smart, safe, and responsible way. In developing this orientation to its learning program Hume City Council held a Cybersafety Expo at its Craigieburn Library in May.

Queenslan Plan and EcCoWell

The Queensland Government has now released its Queensland Plan for the strategic development of Queensland up to 2030. The Plan comprises 9 interconnected foundations that sugge3st a fair degree of similarity with the holistic integrated approach developed by PASCAL under our EccoWell work. The 9 foundations of the Queensland Plan are Education, Community, REgions, Economy, Health anhd Well-being, Environment, People, Infrastructure, and Governance.

Cultural initiatives to revitalise small towns in decline

There are many small towns in rural areas of Australia with declining populations and services marked by the loss of young people to regional and metropolitan cities. In some cases this has been associated with decline of a dominant industry, such as wool.

In this context, a number of such towns are exploring ways in which a culture led recovery can sustain these towns, and add to the quality of life of residents. An example is provided by the Small Town Transformation project funded by the Victorian Government with Regional Arts Victoria having a key role.

Culture as the Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development

The United Cities and Local Governments Committee on Culture at the Third World Congress of United Cities and Local Governments recognised Culture as the "Fourth Pillar" of sustainable development joining economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental balance as the other pillars. It is worth discussing whether this view is valid and sufficiently comprehensive.

UCLG under their Agenda 21 for Culture has done a good deal to promote discussion of the cultural dimension of sustainable development.

Hume Libraries set standard for library role in learning communities

The Hume Global Learning Village in the Broadmeadows district of Melbourne has been an innovative learning community for the past ten years with leadership from Hume City Council assisted by an Advisory Board and Committee.

Hume Library International Library of the Year

The Hume Learning City Library at Craigieburn has been  named the International Public Library of the Year by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions at the World Library and Information Congress in Lyon France.Craigieburn is the second Global Learning Centre developed by Hume City Council in Melbourne Australia with the LIbrary the centrepiece of the Centre.

Are Successful Learning Cities Always Entrepreneurial?

There has been considerable development of the concept of the Learning City in recent years as cities have sought to address a myriad of challenges. This has usually involved in successful cases a good deal of innovation ,at times with entrepreneurial initiatives, particularly in social areas and with partners such as universities.

Heritage Week in Ireland

Heritage Week is celebrated vn Ireland from 23 August to 31 August. It is expected that over 400.000 people will participate in events across Ireland. The County of Cork isw particularly active with over 130 events occuring during the week. Information on events may be found on the Heritage Council web site or the Cork County web site.

Preserving heritage can contribute much to learning cities and communities which have a deep sense of the past in charting their way into sustainable futures.

ICT in education for rural development - China and Africa

The UNESCO International Research and Training Centre (INRULED located in Beijing at the Beijing Normal University)conducted a project on ICT in Education for Rural Development with several partners. The project was implemented by the Research Institute of Modern Educational Tecdhnology of Beijing Normal University. The project developed links with African development through e Learning Africa with a INRULED Delegation visiting Africa.

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