Network Blogs

Here are the latest Learning Cities Networks Blog postings (to see specific Network Blogs, please click on the relevant name from the list of NETWORKS in the left hand column):


Are Successful Learning Cities Always Entrepreneurial?

Network: Implementing an EcCoWell Approach for Holistic Development

There has been considerable development of the concept of the Learning City in recent years as cities have sought to address a myriad of challenges. This has usually involved in successful cases a good deal of innovation ,at times with entrepreneurial initiatives, particularly in social areas and with partners such as universities.

Are Successful Learning Cities Always Entrepreneurial?

Network: Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures

There has been considerable development of the concept of the Learning City in recent years as cities have sought to address a myriad of challenges. This has usually involved in successful cases a good deal of innovation ,at times with entrepreneurial initiatives, particularly in social areas and with partners such as universities.

PASCAL Briefing Paper 4 - Learning Cities: Strategies for promoting inclusion

Network: Addressing Disadvantage to Build Inclusive Learning Cities

This paper provides an overview of some of the insights and lessons derived from exchanges between cities in many parts of the world which participated in the PASCAL International Exchanges programme (PIE) over the past 4 years, as cities faced the challenge of finding new ways in which their learning city strategies can contribute to inclusion objectives.

Learning in rural areas – issues, barriers, current practice, opportunities for progress: a southern African perspective

Network: Connecting Urban and Rural Learning Initiatives

Rural areas in Africa are characterised by limited infrastructure.  This means that there are often no landlines, cellphone signals are not always present, water may be obtained from rivers, wells or standpipes and electricity may also not be present. Sanitation is likely to be basic, consisting of ventilated pit latrines. Equally roads are very unlikely to be tarred, at best there will be gravel paths, in many cases there are simply uneven tracks.

Learning Cities for Inclusion: the PIE Experience

Network: Addressing Disadvantage to Build Inclusive Learning Cities

Inclusion has been a core objective of learning cities from the inception of this concept. Much of this interest has focussed on ways in which lifelong learning policies can combat exclusion and provide opportunities for all to  participate actively in society and enhance their well-being.

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