
New Museums and Heritage Masters Programme Organise Symposium in Glasgow

The first group of students to participate in the new Master’s in Education in Museums and Heritage (EDUMaH) were given a warm welcome last week in Glasgow. The programme, which is funded through the Erasmus Mundus international programme, has students participating  from all over the world. It involves a consortium of universities from Tartu in Estonia, Valetta in Malta, Radboud in the Netherlands, Dublin and Cork in Ireland, Mexico City and the European Museum Academy.

Knowledge for Change Mentor Training Programme

Our close friends and colleagues, Rajesh Tandon and Budd Hall oversee the Knowledge for Change Mentor Training Programme (MTP) in Community-based research.  This programme offers learning opportunities for university and community knowledge workers to take a 21-week course in teaching Community Based Research, and has been operating for five years.

Glasgow Learning City Working Group

In building the Learning City in Glasgow, the city has established a Working Group, including representatives from Glasgow City Council, Higher and Further Education Institutions and the Third Sector. This ensures that all learning city stakeholders take a coordinated approach to promoting the learning city concept. Furthermore, the group coordinates the strategic process and policy dialogues toward an innovative and inclusive Learning City that supports lifelong learning opportunities for all the citizens of Glasgow. 

Should US Cities Make Happiness a Policy Priority?

Conventional wisdom seems to say that the growth of cities is beneficial for the happiness and well-being of people who move into and live in them.  The underlying assumption, as I understand it, is that larger, growing cities offer greater access to opportunities for employment, career advancement, higher income potential, and a sense of financial security and personal achievement. 

Marketing Cities for Investment hosted by Prof Zhechev

Prof Zhechev visited the University of Johannesburg and PASCAL (Africa) from the 21 to the 26 of August 2023.

Prof Vladimir Zhechev has earned his Ph.D. in Marketing (Brand Management) and currently holds the position of Head of the Department of Marketing and Erasmus+ institutional coordinator at UE-Varna (Bulgaria). He has worked as a consultant at GMSE (General Motors Southeast Europe) and has successfully completed over 10 European projects in the fields of: higher education, hospitality management, branding, marketing, student mobility, and others.

ALCN Ripples - August 2023

This ALCN newsletter features Adult Learners Week, Wyndham and Melton Learning Festivals and several online webinars - lifelong learning for work and life; stories from UNESCO learning cities in Australia and Thailand, and reflections on community engagement.  

Enjoy reading and please send me more of your incredible stories of hope to share with others.

With my best wishes.

NEP-SOC 2023-08-28, nine papers

In this issue we feature 9 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

NEP-SOC 2023-08-21, eight papers

In this issue we feature 8 current papers on the theme of social capital, chosen by Fabio Sabatini (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”):

PIMA Climate Justice Education Teach-In Series

The world as we know it is not sustainable. To change these realities, we need to dig deep to the very roots of Western thinking – this is a big story of alternative worldmaking at every level. This includes how we live, work, produce and distribute food, water, and energy.

Putting traffic in its place: time for a new culture of transportation | Policies for Places

So the UK Prime Minister has declared he is ‘on the side of the motorist’ in the aftermath of a parliamentary byelection in which the imposition of an extended ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ) was a major issue.  Other attempts at controlling traffic movement in towns and cities in the UK through measures such as low traffic zones (LTZs) or controlled parking zones (CPZs) are also meeting opposition, and are being postponed (as in Oxford, Bristol and elsewhere) or abandoned. All this, when the social, environmental and health benefits of lower traffic seem clear, and popular support for environmental action remains firm.

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