Network Blogs

Here are the latest Learning Cities Networks Blog postings (to see specific Network Blogs, please click on the relevant name from the list of NETWORKS in the left hand column):


Webinar - Faith and Spirituality in Learning cities: Empathy & Sympathy of Human vs AI Moral Advisers in Cities

Network: Faith and Spirituality-based Learning City Development

The PASCAL Learning Cities Network (LCN), Faith and Spirituality-based Learning City Development, and the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), in partnership with Swansea University and Glasgow University, are very happy to invite you to this open-access WEBINAR on the challenges and opportunities for using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in spiritual instruction. Can AI ensure moral flourishing, learning, and well-being in our cities?

*** POSTPONED *** A Reflection on the Philosophical Foundation of Islamic Leadership - A Leverhulme Lecture by Nematollah Azizi

Network: Faith and Spirituality-based Learning City Development

Sorry, this event is postponed

The next and 3rd Leverhulme Lecture from Professor Nematollah Azizi, University of Kurdistan, Iran and Visiting Leverhulme Professor at the University of Glasgow, entitled,  A Reflection on the Philosophical Foundation of Islamic Leadership will be held on Tuesday, 5th December 2023, at 7.00 pm at the Multi-Faith Centre, University of Derby. Kedleston Road Derby
DE22 1GB, UK.

Swansea University and PASCAL International Observatory collaborate to host Leverhulme Lecture on Islamic pedagogical capabilities for learning cities

Network: Faith and Spirituality-based Learning City Development

On Thursday, 19th October 2023, Swansea University hosted a Leverhulme Lecture titled “Pedagogical Capabilities in Islam to Create, Maintain and Develop Justice-oriented Learning Cities”. The lecture was presented by Nematollah Azizi, a Leverhulme Professor at the University of Glasgow and a faculty member at the University of Kurdistan in Iran. This visit was organized by Swansea University, along the International PASCAL Observatory collaboration, where Swansea Learning City and Swansea University are active members and were happy to host Professor Azizi as their guest from their partner University of Glasgow.  The lecture by Professor Azizi aimed to explore the role of Islamic pedagogical capabilities in creating and maintaining justice-oriented learning cities.

International Conference on Promoting Lifelong Learning in Higher Education - Shanghai 19-21 October 2023

Network: Learning Cities: Meeting Today’s Challenges for a Better Future

We are very pleased that Associate Director for PASCAL in Europe Professor Roberta Piazza, University of Catania, was able to contribute on our behalf to the International Conference on Promoting Lifelong Learning in Higher Education: From institutional strategies to practical implementation held in Shanghai from 19-21 October 2023 organised by Shanghai Open University and UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.

Summary of Friday Forum - Lifelong Learning for Life and Work 22 September 2023

Network: Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures

This summary hgihlights two presentations at the Wyndham Learning City's Friday Forum from George Osborne, Advantages of extending the Learning City Approach into other areas of Local Government and beyond, and  Maren Klein, Learning and/or earning: Tensions between learning for the economic sphere (jobs) and learning for well-being/democracy.

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